Working Bee Archive

1 April 2021

Aim for this Working Bee:

Removing an infestation of sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias) located in the sand dunes half way between Cape Paterson and Harmers Haven.

Report by

Pete Muskens

The objective of our April working bee was to pull up an infestation of sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias) located in the sand dunes half way between Cape Paterson and Harmers Haven. The colonisation of the sea spurge weed on the primary dunes contributes to steepening the face of the dunes thus impacting adversely on Hooded Plover breeding sites. It also competes with the growth of native spinifex & pigface. We combined with Harmers Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group to do this work and 10 enthusiastic volunteers set out from Wreck Beach carpark at 9:30am. Half of the group went straight to the infestation, about 1 km east of Wreck Beach, while the rest traversed the dunes on the way pulling up any sea spurge seedlings that had emerged over the summer. Despite gale force winds (at times blowing up hill!) and driving rain, by midday the infestation had been cleared and that section of dunes were free of any emerging seedlings. The sodden volunteers really appreciated the hearty lunch provided by our Harmers Haven friends in a lovely warm cottage. A very successful working bee in somewhat trying conditions.
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